Τετάρτη 24 Δεκεμβρίου 2014

Hit the road perfcetion and don't u come back...

Finally I discovered
what is disturbing me where I live...
I like english humor, 
I love the landscape and the coutry-side,
I adore London's sparkle and city environment,
I like the language...

I cannot stand perfectionism,
which is such a must everywhere you look, 
while jogging I hardly see anobody with a normal
gym outfit, all people wear running clothes
even if they go running once a year,
in Conservation Areas all buildings are immaculate and 
"in-touchable" as they need to look 
exactly how they looked when they were build
centuries ago.
I worked in a sector where we designed everything
aiming to make perfect human environments...
forgetting completely that 
human ARE NOT perfect, 
simply because nature is not perfect
not in the way perfection is defined by modern society...
So I do not enhance the concept of perfection 
in any sector, professional or in my daily life,
especially when it comes to Yoga..
there is no such thing as perfect asana,
everyone practise yoga as best as they can
trying to avoid posture mistakes,
making sure their practise is safe.
That is all. 
Do what you love in the best way you can,
targeting perfection is a stressful  illusion.

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